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Columbus Traffic Lawyer


Columbus Traffic Lawyer

Defend your license and driving record with the help of a skilled Columbus Traffic Lawyer. And keep your insurance premiums low.

Ask about our $9.99 per month traffic defense payment plan covering unlimited minor traffic defense in Columbus and Franklin County. This plan works to fight a ticket you have already been issued and tickets you may get in the future.

A traffic ticket may seem like no big deal but may in fact carry many consequences a skilled traffic attorney can help you avoid.

It may be a mistake to simply pay your traffic ticket. The expert traffic attorneys of Attorney Adam Burke Llc can help you fight your ticket and the consequences that may come from paying your citation or pleading guilty or no contest.  Call us today to discuss your options with a free consultation at 614-280-9122.

Columbus Traffic Lawyer

Types of Columbus Traffic Violations & Ohio Traffic Offenses.

There are many different types of traffic offenses. Some minor and some very serious.

Generally, traffic defenses are considered misdemeanors. These are the less serious types of offenses. Some of the most often cited traffic violations are considered minor misdemeanors. Minor misdemeanors have the most limited penalties of any offenses.

However, some traffic offenses are more serious and carry more consequences. In some cases, this can mean potential criminal penalties including jail. The most serious types of traffic offenses are called felonies.

Whether minor or serious, contacting a skilled Columbus Traffic Lawyer may be help you avoid some of the worst consequences of your ticket.

We have listed various types of traffic offenses below.

CHART: Speeding, Accidents, and General Moving Violations

Abbreviations: CTC – Columbus Traffic Code.  ORC – Ohio Revised Code. M - Misdemeanor. M1 through M4 - Misdemeanor level.  MM – Minor misdemeanor.

Traffic Offense Code Section Points Offense Level
Speeding Tickets CTC 2133.03, ORC 4511.21 2 Points, (4 Points, 30 mph over) MM
Assured Clear Distance Ahead (ACDA. Rear End Collision or Speeding) CTC 2133.03, ORC 4511.21 2 Points MM
Lane Violations (Marked Lanes Violation) CTC CTC 2131.08, ORC 4511.33  2 Points MM
Following Too Closely (Tailgating) CTC 2131.09, ORC 4511.34 2 Points MM
Backing Without Safety (Backing Collision) CTC 2131.13, ORC 4511.3 2 Points MM
Failure to Yield (Collision) CTC 2131.17, 2131.18, 2131.161. ORC 4511.42, 4511.43, 4511.44 2 Points MM
Driving Too Slowly CTC 2133.04, ORC 4511.22 2 Points MM
Failure to Control (Driving off the road, spinning out or collision) CTC 2131.33, ORC 4511.202 2 Points MM
Failure to Turn CTC 2131.10, ORC 4511.36 2 Points MM
Turning at Intersections CTC 2131.10, ORC 4511.36 2 Points MM
Wrong Way on a One-Way Road CTC 2131.30, ORC 4511.32 2 Points MM
Illegal U-Turn CTC 2131.12, ORC 4511.12, 4511.13 2 Points MM
Unsafe Operation ORC 4513.02 2 Points MM
Texting While Driving CTC 2131.44, ORC 4511.204 2 Points MM
Reckless Operation CTC 2133.02 4, Points, 2 Points MM, M4, M3
Changing Lanes Without Signaling (Turn Signal aka Failure to Signal) CTC 2131.14, ORC 4511.39 2 Points MM
Right of Way Violation CTC 2113.02, ORC 4511.43 2 Points MM
Stopping motor vehicle when signaled ORC 4549.01 2 Points MM, M4

CHART: Columbus Ohio Traffic Control Device Violations and Signs Violations

Abbreviations: CTC – Columbus Traffic Code.  ORC – Ohio Revised Code. MM – Minor misdemeanor. UM – Unclassified Misdmeanor.

Traffic Offense Code Section Points Offense Level
Traffic Control Devices & Signs (running a red light) CTC 2113.01, ORC 4511.12 2 Points MM
Failure to Stop at a Stop Sign CTC 2113.01, ORC 4511.12  2 Points MM
Failure to Stop for a School Bus CTC 2131.36, ORC 4511.75 2 Points UM
Crossing Guards Violation CTC 2109.02 2 Points MM

CHART: General Non-moving Violations

Abbreviations: CTC – Columbus Traffic Code.  ORC – Ohio Revised Code.  MM – Minor misdemeanor.

Traffic Offense Code Section Points Offense Level
Muffler and Equipment violations (Mechanical) CTC 2137.20, ORC 4513.22 0 Points MM
Seat-belt violations (& child seat) ORC 4513.262, 4511.81 0 Points. MM

CHART: License Offenses

Abbreviations: CTC – Columbus Traffic Code.  ORC – Ohio Revised Code. M - Misdemeanor. M1 through M4 - Misdemeanor level.  MM – Minor misdemeanor. UM – Unclassified Misdemeanor.

Traffic Offense Code Section Points Offense Level
Failure to Reinstate License CTC 2141.21, ORC 4510.21 2 Points M1
Driving Without License (No Operator’s License aka No Ops) CTC 2141.12, ORC 4510.12(A)(1) 2 Points MM, M4
Driving on a Suspended License (Driving Under Suspension) CTC 2141.11, ORC 4510.11 2 Points (6 Points if 12-point/lifetime suspension) M1, UM
Fictitious License CTC 2141.06, ORC 4549.08 0 Points, Nonmoving Violation M4, M3
Driving on a No Insurance Suspension (FRA suspension) CTC 2141.11, ORC 4510.16. 2 Points UM, M4
License Restriction Violation (Endorsement Violation) CTC 2141.11, ORC 4510.11(B) 2 Points M1
Motorcycle license or endorsement violation. CTC 2141.12, ORC 4510.12(A) 2 Points MM

Columbus Traffic Lawyer OVI Image

CHART: OVI / DUI Related Offenses

Abbreviations: CTC – Columbus Traffic Code.  ORC – Ohio Revised Code. M - Misdemeanor. M1 through M4 - Misdemeanor level.  MM – Minor misdemeanor. UM – Unclassified Misdemeanor. F – F1 though F5, Felony Level.

Traffic Offense Code Section Points Offense Level
Operating a Vehicle Under the Influence (OVI / DUI charges) CTC 2133.01, ORC 4511.19 6 Points M1
Underage Operation of a Vehicle Under the Influence (UOVI) ORC 4511.19(B) 4 Points M4
Physical control CTC 2133.012, ORC 4511.194 0 Points, Non-moving Violation M1

CHART: Crimes Involving Vehicles

Abbreviations: CTC – Columbus Traffic Code.  ORC – Ohio Revised Code. M - Misdemeanor. M1 through M4 - Misdemeanor level.  MM – Minor misdemeanor. F – F1 though F5, Felony Level.

Traffic Offense Code Section Points Offense Level
Odometer Fraud ORC 4549.43 0 Points, Nonmoving Violation F4
Auto Theft, Unauthorized Use CTC 2313.03, 2101.20, ORC 2913.02, 2913.03 6 Points M1, F5
Hit skip (hit and run, leaving an accident scene) ORC 4549.02, ORC 4549.03 (property hitskip) 6 Points (2 Points Property) M1, F5, F3.
Fleeing & Eluding/Failure to Comply with Order or Signal of Police Officer CTC 2109.01, 2321.331, ORC 2921.331 6 Points M1, F3 or F4
Vehicular Assault ORC 2903.08 6 Points M1, F4, F3, F2
Willful or Wanton Operation of a Vehicle CTC 2133. ORC 4511.20 (Disregard of Safety) 4 Points MM, M4, M3
Vehicular Homicide CTC 2303.06, ORC 2903.06 6 points M1, F4
Vehicular Manslaughter ORC 2903.06 (negligently casing death) 6 Points M2, M1
Aggravated Vehicular Homicide (OVI causing death) ORC 2903.06 6 Points F3, F2, F1
Tampering with vehicle identification numbers (VINs) CTC 2137.22, ORC 4549.62 0 Points, Nonmoving Violation F5, F4
Counterfeit VIN ORC 4549.62 0 Points, Nonmoving Violation F5, F4
Possessing or dealing in vehicle with tampered VIN ORC 4549.62 0 Points, Nonmoving Violation F5, F4
Hasmat Violations (Transporting Hazardous Materials) CTC 2551.06, ORC 4506.12 0 Points M1
Traffic Resisting/Obstructing CTC 2109.03 0 Points MM
Street Racing (Drag Racing)


CTC 2133.07, ORC 4511.251 6 points M1

An experienced Columbus Traffic Lawyer can also help you defend: Multiple Speeding Tickets, Unpaid Speeding Tickets, Bench Warrants (Failure to Appear in Court), CDL violations, Road Rage Offenses, Vehicular Traffic Stop, and Traffic Points Offenses.

Ohio has a traffic point system assigning points for specific traffic offenses.

Under Ohio Revised Code § 4510.036, the seriousness and the nature of a specific traffic violation determines the number of points from a conviction.

After a driver accumulates 6 points, the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) sends a warning letter listing the offense or offenses, the points for each conviction, and the total points on the driver's license.

The letter also warns the driver that accumulating 12 points within two years will result in a six-month driver’s license suspension.

Drivers with between two points and 20 points may take a remedial driving course which gives the driver two “grace” points. This means the driver’s license would be suspended after 14 instead of 12 points. This option is only available if the course is not court ordered and may be used only once every 3 years period and five times lifetime.

Otherwise, after a driver accumulates 12 points, the BMV mails the driver a suspension notice. This notifies the driver that the driver’s license will be suspended for six months starting 20 days from the date of notice. This is called a “Class D Suspension.” Within the 20-day time frame before the suspension takes effect, the driver may appeal the suspension.

After a 12-point suspension, reinstatement requirements include:

  • Serving a six-month license suspension
  • Retaking complete driver license exam
  • Paying a reinstatement fee
  • Completing a remedial driving course
  • Obtaining high risk "SR-22/bond" insurance.
  • Completing a remedial driving course

Working with a Columbus traffic lawyer at Attorney Adam Burke Llc means having many years of experience representing drivers at risk of 12-point suspension and drivers with suspended licenses. A skilled Columbus traffic lawyer can help you to get driving privileges during a suspension, get your license reinstated or avoid a suspension by reducing points or extending the 12-point limit with a remedial driving course.

Ohio Misdemeanors Degrees and Penalties

Minor Misdemeanors (MM)

Some minor misdemeanors (MMs) are: most minor traffic violations (such as speeding, failure to signal and minor accidents) possessing less than 100 grams of marijuana.  Minor misdemeanors carry a maximum penalty of a $150 fine, a driver's license suspension and points on your driver's license.

Fourth Degree Misdemeanors (M4)

Some fourth degree misdemeanors (M4) are disorderly conduct, criminal trespassing, some minor traffic offenses with prior convictions, possessing between 100 and 200 grams of marijuana. Fourth degree misdemeanors carry a maximum penalty of a $250 fine of 30 days in jail.

Third Degree Misdemeanors (M3)

Some third degree misdemeanors (M3) are: criminal mischief and unlawful restraint. Third degree misdemeanors carry a maximum penalty of a $500 fine and 60 days in jail.

Second Degree Misdemeanor (M2)

Some second degree misdemeanors (M2) are: resisting arrest, criminal damaging, and vehicular manslaughter. Second degree misdemeanors carry a maximum penalty of a $750 fine and 90 days in jail.

First Degree Misdemeanors (M1)

Some first degree misdemeanors are: driving under suspension, hit skip, OVI (DUI), hazmat violations, theft, domestic violence and protection order violations.  First degree misdemeanors carry a maximum penalty of a $1000 fine and 180 days in jail.

Reasons to Fight Your Columbus Traffic Ticket

There are several reasons to fight your traffic ticket including:

  • Points on your license.
  • 12 or more points can lead the suspension of your driver's license.
  • Increasing insurance premium costs.
  • Fines and court costs.
  • Employment consequences.
  • Some traffic cases are also criminal offenses carrying the possibility of license suspensions, vehicle immobilization or forfeiture, jail time, community service, or probation.
  • Some traffic violations are enhanceable. This means repeated violations may lead to more severe consequences including possible criminal penalties.

You may believe hiring a Columbus traffic lawyer is too costly. However, the traffic defense at attorneys at Attorney Adam Burke Llc offer a $9.99 per month traffic defense plan for unlimited minor traffic defense in Columbus and Franklin County, Ohio which works even if you already have a ticket. To enroll or learn more, click here.

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Over 30 Years Combined Experience

Our Firm has Successfully Handled 3000's of Cases

Proven Track Record of Excellent Results

Attorney Adam Burke Llc


625 City Park Ave, Suite 200A
Columbus, Ohio 43206


+1 614 280 9122



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