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Concealed Carry Ohio


Columbus Concealed Carry Lawyer

As long as they have a license to carry them and comply with the laws when stopped by the police, certain states allow their citizens to carry concealed firearms. This is the case for states like Ohio. However, there can be minor differences in each state's laws. More importantly, not everyone is familiar with the details of Concealed Carry Ohio laws. You can find out more information about the misconceptions of these laws and make sure you are complicit with law enforcement. Contact Attorney Adam Burke today for your free consultation at (614) 280-9122.

Concealed Carry Ohio

Concealed Carry Ohio and Carrying Concealed Weapons Laws have a list of requirements and violations that go along with carrying a concealed weapon.

The requirements to obtain a concealed carry Ohio permit include the following:

  • Twenty-one years of age or older
  • Resident of Ohio for forty-five days
  • Resident of the county issuing the license for thirty days
  • Complete application
  • A color photograph that was taken within the last thirty days
  • Fingerprints
  • Certification of competency to handle a firearm 1

Carrying Concealed Weapons Laws

A person violates the carrying concealed weapons laws if they carry any of the following:

  • A deadly weapon, which includes any weapon capable of inflicting death
  • A handgun, which includes a firearm that has a short stock and can be held and fired with one hand
  • Dangerous ordinance, which includes an automatic firearm, explosive device, etc.

If a person has a concealed carry license, they must do the following if stopped by a law enforcement officer:

  • Notify the officer immediately that you have a concealed weapons license and that you are currently carrying a concealed weapon
  • Keep your hands in plain sight during the entire stop
  • Do not attempt to remove the concealed handgun from where it is located or hold the concealed handgun during the entire stop
  • Comply with any lawful order from the officer, including an order to keep your hands in plain sight

Concealed Carry Ohio and Carrying Concealed Weapons Laws

Penalties for Violating the Concealed Carry Ohio and Carrying Concealed Weapons Laws

A person who violates the concealed carry Ohio and carrying concealed weapons laws is guilty of a first degree misdemeanor. If a person previously violated the carrying concealed weapons laws, if the weapon was loaded at the time, or if the weapon was a dangerous ordinance, then a person is guilty of a felony in the fourth degree.

If a concealed handgun license cannot be produced, a person will be guilty of a minor misdemeanor if both apply:

  • Produce a concealed handgun license within ten days and the license was valid at the time of the stop; and
  • They were not at a place where they are not authorized to carry a concealed weapon at the time of arrest.

A person is guilty of a misdemeanor and charged a fine of five hundred dollars if all of the following apply:

  • Had a concealed carry license and the license expired two years before the arrest;
  • Present a concealed carry license within forty-five days after the arrest, and they waive their right to a speedy trial; and
  • Were not at a place where they were not authorized to carry a concealed weapon at the time of arrest.

Penalties for Not Complying with a Police Officer During a Stop

If a person does not let the police officer know they have a concealed carry weapons license and they are currently carrying a concealed weapon at the time of the stop, then it is a misdemeanor in the first degree.

If they do not keep their hands in plain sight or fail to comply with any lawful order by the police officer at the time of the stop, it is also a first degree misdemeanor. This changes if they have previously been convicted for failing to comply with lawful orders. Then it is a felony in the fifth degree. Additionally, if a person attempts to remove their concealed weapon during the stop, it is a felony in the fifth degree.

The police officer will return the firearm after the stop if the firearm was surrendered either voluntarily or at the officer's request and if a person was not arrested for any of the above violations during the stop. 2 3

Ref: Ohio Revised Code Sections 2923.11 and 2923.12

Attorney Adam Burke Llc - Columbus, Ohio Concealed Carry Attorney

If you have been charged with violating concealed carry laws, it is important to discuss the particular facts of your case and develop a defense strategy with an experienced attorney. Our attorneys will discuss all of your options with you and help you understand your situation. Contact Attorney Adam Burke now for your free consultation at (614) 280-9122.

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Attorney Adam Burke Llc


625 City Park Ave, Suite 200A
Columbus, Ohio 43206


+1 614 280 9122



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