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Probation and Parole Revocation Hearings


Columbus Parole and Probation Revocation Hearings Lawyer

If you have upcoming parole or probation revocation hearings, or if you violated parole or probation, contact Attorney Adam Burke. Attorney Adam Burke is an experienced criminal defense attorney and will help you avoid the most severe consequences.  Contact Attorney Adam Burke today for a free consultation at (614) 280-9122.

Definitions: Parole, Probation, and Revocation Hearing

Probation and Parole Revocation: the term for the withdrawal of court ordered post-conviction monitoring.

Probation: the term probation refers to a wide range of court-ordered monitoring of people following a criminal conviction.Probation and Parole | Revocation Hearings

Parole: refers to monitoring of a convicted persons after their release from prison.

Revocation Hearing: when a parole or probation officer alleges a convicted person violated any of the conditions of his or her parole or probation, a revocation hearing is conducted to determine whether the person's parole or probation will be withdrawn.

There are two common types of revocation hearings: parole hearings and probation hearings.

Parole Revocation

Parole refers to the State of Ohio's monitoring a person released from prison. Ohio law has replaced the term parole with supervised release.  However, most people, including judges and lawyers, still use the word parole.

If you are on parole you may face revocation for any number of reasons.  The most common reasons people face parole revocation are for new offenses and for violating specific terms and conditions of their parole.

These terms and conditions include regularly reporting to your parole officer, updating your address, completing drug treatment, passing urine screens.

Unlike probation revocations, parole hearings are not court hearings. They are administrative hearings through the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections (ODRC). Many of the protections available before conviction such as proof beyond a reasonable doubt, will not protect you in parole revocation hearings.

Probation Revocation

Probation refers to the Court system's monitoring of a person following a conviction. Ohio law has replaced the term probation with community control.  Most people still use the word probation.

A court considers probation for convictions of any offense, except for minor misdemeanors.

Unlike Parole, which only follows a felony prison sentence, a court can place you on probation whether or not you ever serve a jail or prison sentence.

If you are on probation you can face revocation for many reasons.  As with parole, the most common reasons people face probation revocation are for new offenses, and for violating terms and conditions of probation.

Terms and conditions of probation can include: having no same or similar convictions, maintaining contact and keeping current information with the probation department, and completing drug, alcohol or mental health counseling.

Unlike parole revocations, probation hearings are court hearings. However, as with parole revocation hearings, many of the rights available to you before conviction such as proof beyond a reasonable doubt will not protect you in probation revocation hearings.

Attorney Adam Burke Llc — Columbus, OH Parole and Probation Revocation Attorney

If you have violated your parole or probation, it is important to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney.  Contact Attorney Adam Burke for your free consultation at (614) 280-9122 about your alleged parole or probation violation in Franklin County and any of the surrounding areas in Ohio.

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Attorney Adam Burke Llc


625 City Park Ave, Suite 200A
Columbus, Ohio 43206


+1 614 280 9122



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