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Ohio Trafficking in Drugs

If you are facing charges for Ohio trafficking in drugs, you risk severe penalties that can include fines, prison sentences, suspension of licenses and seizure of your property.

Columbus Ohio Trafficking in Drugs Lawyer

You can be charged with Ohio trafficking in drugs if you knowingly i) sell or offer to sell a controlled substance or ii) prepare for shipment, transport, ship, deliver,  prepare for distribution,  or distribute a controlled substance (after which the receiver will distribute the controlled substance further). This, of course, does not apply to people with licenses to do so (like manufacturers); but even they have to adhere to a code of conduct when supplying drugs.

A controlled substance may be a drug, a mixture or a compound, or a substance that may be found in the Ohio Revised Code Schedule (I-V) and in the Attorney General’s Office. Examples of a controlled substance include cocaine and opium.
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Columbus Drug Trafficking Attorney

Drug trafficking can be charged as a federal offense, an offense limited to the state of Ohio or both as a federal and a state offense. Depending on the type of substance you were caught trafficking, you may be charged with aggravated drug trafficking or plain drug trafficking.

Supplying schedule III, IV and V drugs is considered a felony of the 5th degree. This attracts a prison term of 6-12 months and fines of up to $2500.

You will be charged with aggravated drug trafficking if you supplied schedule I or schedule II drugs, which are considered to have little to no medical use (like marijuana).

The least severe aggravated drug trafficking is considered a felony of the 4th degree, and so you may receive a prison sentence from 6 to 18 months, and fines up to $5000. The most severe drug trafficking is a felony of the 1st degree, and carries a mandatory prison term (3-11 years) and large fines.

Drug trafficking is a serious offense in Ohio, and it is recommended that you secure the services of a competent lawyer if you are charged as soon as possible.

Call Attorney Adam Burke for a free consultation. 614-280-9122.


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Attorney Adam Burke Llc


625 City Park Ave, Suite 200A
Columbus, Ohio 43206


+1 614 280 9122



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