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Extortion Charges


Columbus Extortion Attorney

If you have been charged with extortion, it is important to hire an experienced and qualified defense attorney who will discuss the particular facts of your case and come up with the best possible solution. Extortion is a serious offense and you need an attorney to fight for your rights. Contact Attorney Adam Burke for your free consultation at (614) 280-9122.

Extortion Charges

Extortion is a crime committed when a person obtains anything of value, like a property, money, or a service, from another through coercion. Extortion can occur with, or without, the use of force or a weapon. By federal law, extortion may be committed over the internet, phone, by postal mail, or any other instrument of communication.

Extortion Law

The U.S Department of Justice oversees the prosecution of offenders suspected of extortion, under the provisions made by the Hobbs Act.

If you are facing extortion charges, you are suspected of having done any of the following:

Extortion by Fear, Force and Violence: To be convicted of extortion by fear, force, and violence, the government must prove that:

  • You attempted to extort property (or anything of value) or rights from a person
  • You used the victim’s fear of physical or economic harm to extort something of value
  • Your conduct obstructed or affected interstate commerce
  • Your used or threatened use of force or fear was wrongful 1

Extortion by an Officer or Employee of the United States: As an officer or employee working for the government, or acting as one, you are alleged to have attempted or committed an act of extortion. 2

Receiving Proceeds of Extortion: You are alleged to have received possessed, concealed, or disposed-of money or property that was the proceeds of extortion. 3

Penalties for Extortion

As an officer or employee of the U.S., if you extorted more than $1,000, you stand to face a 3 year prison sentence. If the amount involved was less than that, the term is 1 year. For receiving the proceeds of extortion, you may be imprisoned for 1 to 3 years.

Attorney Adam Burke Llc — Columbus, Ohio Extortion Lawyer

If you are convicted of extortion charges, you may have to spend a significant time in prison and pay fines, depending on the crime you have committed. So it is in your best interest to hire an attorney to explain the charges against you so that you better understand your situation. Call Attorney Adam Burke now for your free consultation at (614) 280-9122.

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Over 30 Years Combined Experience

Our Firm has Successfully Handled 3000's of Cases

Proven Track Record of Excellent Results

Attorney Adam Burke Llc


625 City Park Ave, Suite 200A
Columbus, Ohio 43206


+1 614 280 9122



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