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FAQ: Criminal Charges – Frequently Asked Questions

 FAQ Adam Burke: Columbus Criminal Defense Attorney

FAQ Columbus Criminal Charges

Each case is unique, serious, and carries the threat of severe penalties such as a long-term jail sentence.  Immediate and serious legal representation is necessary in such a situation.

Columbus Ohio criminal defense attorney Adam G. Burke will explore your case fully, explaining every option you have based on the particular charge, the circumstances of the case, and any prior offenses you may have.  Call Mr. Burke today at (614) 280-9122 for a free legal consultation if you or your loved one have been charged with a serious felony offense.


What should I do if I’m arrested?

Your constitutional right as you’ve no doubt heard before is to remain silent upon your arrest.  You only have to tell police your name, address and phone number.  If you want to make bail, you have to give your employer and a family member’s name and contact information.  Then, request to speak with a criminal defense attorney before you answer any further questions.

At this point, the police will file a criminal complaint against you.  It will be sent to the prosecutor’s office for proceeding through the courts.

What is an indictment?

An indictment is an official, formal statement in court charging a person with a felony criminal offense such as one listed above.  The person charged is not present for this; it takes place in front of a grand jury with only a prosecutor present.

What is a preliminary hearing?

Sometimes, if a criminal defense attorney thinks it’s necessary, he or she will request a preliminary hearing where the prosecution is required to produce enough evidence showing that a formal criminal charge (an indictment) should even be filed.  Then, the grand jury will vote on whether or not charges should be filed against a defendant.

If a defendant is in jail when the police file the original criminal complaint, the grand jury must return an indictment within ten (10) days or the defendant must be released until an indictment is filed or the charges are dismissed.

What is an arraignment?

An arraignment is the formal reading in front of a judge of the criminal charges filed against a defendant.  The prosecutor, defendant, and the criminal defense attorney are present.  During the hearing, the judge reads the charges to the defendant.  Then, the defendant may enter a guilty, not guilty, or no contest plea and bond is set by a judge or magistrate.

Can having an attorney lower my bond?

Yes.  A Columbus Ohio criminal defense attorney like Adam G. Burke can give the court information to consider when determining what bond is appropriate (such as your employment, lack of prior criminal history, and/or family or community ties).  An attorney can also request a new bond hearing to request that the court lower your bond if new circumstances warrant it.

Please call us at 614-280-9122 to assist you with your case.

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Attorney Adam Burke Llc


625 City Park Ave, Suite 200A
Columbus, Ohio 43206


+1 614 280 9122



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