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Insurance Fraud


Columbus Insurance Fraud Attorney

Insurance fraud carries severe penalties, including fines and a significant period of imprisonment. It is in your best interest to hire an attorney so that you know your rights and understand the charges against you. Contact Attorney Adam Burke for your free consultation at (614) 280-9122.

Insurance Fraud

Insurance is a vital part of many of our lives. Whether it be health insurance, life insurance, or business insurance, when the unexpected happens, you know you'll be financially covered. However, not everyone follows insurance policies accordingly. Insurance fraud occurs when a person fraudulently obtains benefits from an insurance company, or knowingly denies someone benefits. Some of the most common insurance frauds include health insurance fraud, worker's compensation fraud, automobile insurance fraud, arson, inflated property loss claim, life insurance claims, etc. This is why it is so important to find a trusted insurance company. Looking at reviews and testimonials for each company is a good way of judging on the quality of their services. Additionally, those with insurance policies may wish to check out online resources from time to time to see what is happening in the world of health insurance and check that things are running as they should be in the event that you find yourself needing to make a claim on a policy you have.

Of course, just because you have been accused of insurance fraud does not mean it really happened. For example, a case of fraud may be alleged because of a misrepresented medical history on a long term disability plan. It could very well be a case of misinterpretation of medical documents or a mislaid document. Therefore knowing your rights and getting an attorney can be vital in matters like these.

Facing Federal Insurance Fraud Charges

Most states have bureaus to investigate fraud cases. The federal government also tasks the Federal Bureau of Investigation to investigate fraud. Insurance fraud is classified under fraud. To be suspected of insurance fraud, you must do any of the following:

  • Knowingly and willfully make, or cause, false statements that result in material benefits
  • Knowingly and willfully make, or cause, false statements that result in rights to benefits
  • Intentionally fail to disclose an occurrence, or pertinent information, that leads to benefits for you
  • Knowingly apply for a benefit in someone else's name and knowingly subvert it for your own gain.

The same law applies to other kinds of fraud, like financial fraud, mortgage fraud, etc.
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Penalties for Federal Level Insurance Fraud

If you are convicted of insurance fraud charges, you may be sentenced to prison, and you may have to pay large fines. Insurance fraud is classified as a class D felony by the federal government. For a class D felony, the prison sentence is up to 5 years, and fines are up to $5,000.

Health insurance fraud, on the other hand, is treated as larceny, which is a serious offense. You may have to spend up to 10 years in prison for health insurance fraud. In cases where someone was seriously injured because of the health care insurance fraud, the prison sentence is increased to up to 20 years. In cases where the health care insurance fraud results in the death of someone, you may be sentenced to life imprisonment. 3

Attorney Adam Burke Llc - Columbus, Ohio Insurance Fraud Lawyer

If you have been charged with insurance or health care fraud in Columbus or any of the surrounding areas in Ohio, contact Attorney Adam Burke Llc. An experienced defense attorney will hear the particular facts of your case and discuss all possible options with you. Having a good defense strategy will help you avoid the harshest penalties. Call Attorney Adam Burke now for your free consultation at (614) 280-9122.

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Attorney Adam Burke Llc


625 City Park Ave, Suite 200A
Columbus, Ohio 43206


+1 614 280 9122



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