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Kidnapping in Ohio – Call Attorney Adam Burke at 614-280-9122


Columbus Kidnapping Defense Attorney

If you have been charged with kidnapping in Ohio, it is important to know your options and come up with a defense strategy for you case. Attorney Adam Burke is a qualified and experienced criminal defense attorney who will fight for your rights. Call Attorney Adam Burke today at (614) 280-9122 for your free consultation.

Kidnapping in Ohio

Kidnapping in Ohio is when the victim is held against his or her will for any of the following reasons:

  • For ransom or as a hostage
  • To help with committing a felony
  • To cause serious harm to the victim
  • To engage in sexual activity against the victim’s will
  • To prevent a function of government
  • Using the victim for labor against the victim’s will

Additionally, a person is guilty of kidnapping in Ohio if the circumstances create serious physical harm to the victim by doing any of the following:

  • Hold the victim against his or her will
  • Removes the victim from where they are located

Kidnapping in Ohio

Penalties for Kidnapping in Ohio 

Kidnapping in Ohio can either be a felony in the first degree or a felony in the second degree. The minimum term of imprisonment is different depending on the circumstances surrounding the kidnapping.

  • Kidnapping in Ohio is a felony in the first degree if the victim is under thirteen years old, there was sexual motivation specified in the indictment, and the kidnapping creates a risk of harm to the victim.
    • The minimum term of imprisonment for a felony in the first degree for kidnapping in Ohio is fifteen years and a maximum term of life imprisonment.
  • Kidnapping in Ohio is a felony in the second degree if the victim is returned to a safe place unharmed.
    • The minimum term of imprisonment for a felony in the second degree is ten years and a maximum term of life imprisonment. 1

Ref: Ohio Revised Code Section 2905.01

Ohio Abduction

Abduction in Ohio is when any of the following occurs:

  • Use force or threaten another in order to take the victim away from the place where they are located
  • Use force or threaten another in order to restrain the victim in a situation that would cause them physical harm or cause them to be afraid
  • Hold another in order to use them for labor

Penalties for Abduction in Ohio

Abduction in Ohio can either be a felony in the second degree or a felony in the third degree.

  • Abduction in Ohio is a felony in the second degree if there was sexual motivation and/or the victim is held against his or her will for labor.
  • Abduction in Ohio is a felony in the third degree if there was sexual motivation and/or the victim is taken away from the place where they were located or the victim is restrained in a situation that could cause them physical harm. 2

Ref: Ohio Revised Code Section 2905.02

Attorney Adam Burke Llc — Columbus, OH Kidnapping Defense Lawyer

If you have been charged with kidnapping in Columbus or any of the surrounding areas in Ohio, it is important to discuss the particular facts of your case and develop a defense strategy. There are serious penalties associated with kidnapping and discussing your case with an experienced attorney will help you understand your situation. Contact Attorney Adam Burke now for your free consultation at (614) 280-9122.

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Over 30 Years Combined Experience

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Attorney Adam Burke Llc


625 City Park Ave, Suite 200A
Columbus, Ohio 43206


+1 614 280 9122



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