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Medicare and Medicaid Fraud Charges


Columbus Medicare and Medicaid Fraud Lawyer

Medicare and Medicaid are large sectors of the U.S economy. Medicare and Medicaid fraud is an offense that involves billions of dollars every year. 1

There are many provisions made at both the state and the federal level to fight Medicare and Medicaid fraud. If you are facing Medicare or Medicaid fraud charges, it is important to seek the advice of a skilled criminal defense lawyer. Call Attorney Adam Burke for you free consultation today at (614) 280-9122.

Medicare/Medicaid Law

Medicare and Medicaid fraud is categorized under fraud, and are considered a white collar offense. In prosecuting fraud, the federal government uses Medicare and Medicaid as essentially interchangeable terms.

The False Claims Act, the False Statements Act, and the Social Securities Act can all be used for prosecution.

According to section 42 U.S.C. §§ 1320a-7b, a person may be guilty of fraud if he or she willingly:

  • Makes or causes false statements, or makes false representations
  • Receives illegal remunerations
  • Makes false statements regarding the condition or operation of institutions
  • Is engaged in illegal admittance and patient retention practices

The above statements cover a wide variety of offenses. Examples of Medicare and Medicaid fraud include misrepresenting information to get Medicaid, getting reimbursed twice for the same medical procedure, illegally helping another person to get Medicaid by helping the person dispose of his assets, paying bribes for Medicaid, etc. and they can apply to a lot of different stages in the process of having a medical procedure - whether it come from fraudulent ambulance billings, or even the cost of the actual surgery or consultation itself.

Medicare and Medicaid Fraud Penalties

If you are convicted of Medicare and Medicaid fraud charges, you will be sentenced on the basis of the exact crime you have committed. Your past criminal record, if any, and the amount of money involved in the fraud will decide the penalty you have been given.

For example, for receiving illegal remunerations, you may be fined $25,000, be imprisoned for up to 5 years, or both. 2

Attorney Adam Burke Llc - Columbus, OH Medicare and Medicaid Fraud Attorney

If you are charged with Medicare or Medicaid fraud, there are severe penalties associated with a conviction that can seriously hamper any future employment opportunities. Fines and imprisonment are real possibilities, so it is best if you consult with an experienced lawyer to find out the exact situation you are in. Contact Attorney Adam Burke now at (614) 280-9122 for your free consultation.

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Attorney Adam Burke Llc


625 City Park Ave, Suite 200A
Columbus, Ohio 43206


+1 614 280 9122



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