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Ohio Drug Laws – Call an Ohio Attorney at 614-280-9122


Columbus Drug Possession Lawyer

Ohio drug laws are serious. Penalties for drug possession vary depending on factors such as the kind of drug in your possession. An experienced attorney will discuss the facts of your particular case with you in addition to all of your options. If you have been arrested for drug possession, it is in your best interest to hire an experienced attorney to fight for your rights and freedom. Call Attorney Adam Burke for your free consultation at +1 614-344-6071.

Ohio Drug Possession

Ohio drug laws have different classifications of drugs that are divided up by schedules. The schedule is used to determine the potential sentence for the offense committed.
• Schedule I-LSD, marijuana, heroin, and ecstasy. These are considered the most dangerous drugs and have a high risk of addiction.
• Schedule II-opium, cocaine, methamphetamines, and methadone. These are considered drugs that have a medical purpose, but have a potential risk of abusing the drug.
• Schedule III-hydrocodone, codeine, steroids, and depressants. These are considered to have some risk of abuse and a little less dangerous than Schedule II drugs.
• Schedule IV-clonazepam, tranquilizers, and sedatives. These are considered to have a slight risk of abuse and have medical purposes.
• Schedule V-medicine you can get over the counter that has codeine. This is considered to have a low risk of abuse.

Ohio Drug Laws

Ohio Drug Laws for Possession of Marijuana

The penalties for possession of marijuana vary depending on the amount you have in your possession at the time you are caught. If you are caught with less than 100 grams, it is a minor misdemeanor and a $100 fine. However, the more you are caught with, the more severe the penalty. This differs from other states where you can have as much merchandise from Leaf2Go and other dispensaries and have no legal repurcusion for this, so be advised of this if you are partaking in marijuana in another state for health reasons. Read more about how long marijuana stays in your system and how that may affect you results.

Degree of Felony Grams Prison Time Fines up to
4th Degree 100-200 30 days $250
5th Degree 200-1,000 1 year $2,500
3rd Degree 1,000-20,000 1-5 years $5,000
2nd Degree 20,000 or more 2-8 years $15,000

Ohio Drugs Laws for Possession of Marijuana Paraphernalia

Marijuana paraphernalia includes pipes, bongs and other smoking accessories, and if you are in possession of these items associated with marijuana, it is a minor misdemeanor. There are many other states and countries where cannabis is 100% legal, if you are visiting why not swot up on 2019's best bongs to make the most of your visit.

Ohio Drug Laws for Possession of Cocaine

The penalties for possession of cocaine in either powder or crack form varies depending on how much you have at the time of arrest. Below are the penalties for possession of cocaine.

Degree of Felony Grams Prison Time Fines up to
1st Degree 50 to 250 grams 3-10 years $20,000
1st Degree 250 grams or more 3-10 years $20,000
2nd Degree 10 to 50 grams 2-8 years $15,000
3rd Degree 5 to 10 grams 1-5 years $10,000
4th Degree 1 to 5 grams 6-18 months $5,000
5th Degree Up to 1 gram 6-12 months $2,500

Ohio Drug Laws for Possession of Heroin

To be arrested for possession of heroin, it does not have to be on you. It is enough that the drugs are found on your property or close to you. Below are the penalties for the possession of certain amounts heroin.

Degree of Felony Grams Prison Time Fines up to
5th Degree Up to 1 gram 6-12 months $2,500
4th Degree 1 to 5 grams 6-18 months $5,000
3rd Degree 5 to 10 grams 1-5 years $10,000
2nd Degree 10 to 50 grams 2-8 years $15,000
1st Degree 50 to 250 grams 3-10 years $20,000
1st Degree 250 grams or more 3-10 years $20,000

Ohio Drug Laws for Possession of Methamphetamine

The penalty for possession of methamphetamine varies depending on the weight, form of the meth, and your criminal history. It is a 5th degree felony if you are in possession of a small amount of meth, which carries a 6-12 prison term. However, the more you have in your possession, the charges can go up to a 1st degree felony. 1

Ref: Ohio Revised Code Section 2925.11

Attorney Adam Burke Llc- Columbus, OH Drug Possession Attorney

If you have been charged with drug possession in Columbus or any of the surrounding areas in Ohio, it is important to discuss the particular facts of your case and develop a defense strategy. There are serious penalties associated with drug possession. Discussing your case with an experienced attorney will help you understand your situation. Contact Attorney Adam Burke Lllc now for your free consultation at +1 614-344-6071.

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Attorney Adam Burke Llc


625 City Park Ave, Suite 200A
Columbus, Ohio 43206


+1 614 280 9122



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