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Ohio Theft Crimes


Columbus Theft Lawyer

There are varying levels of theft depending on the type of property stolen and the amount the property is worth. You may have to face a significant period of imprisonment and pay fines for the offense. It is in your best interest to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney to help you understand the charges against you and make every effort to reduce the penalties. Call Attorney Adam Burke today at (614) 280-9122 for your free consultation.

Ohio Theft Crimes

The term theft means an act that is carried out to deprive an owner of his goods or service. In Ohio, theft is classified by law into several different types, depending on the value and type of the property stolen. Penalties are assigned by the state on the same basis as well.

The law dealing with theft states that a person is guilty of theft if the person knowingly, and with purpose to deprive the owner of a property or service, obtains control over the property or service. This may be done in the following ways:

  • Without the permission of the owner
  • Beyond the scope of the permission given by the owner
  • By deception
  • By threat
  • By intimidation

Ohio Theft Crime Penalties 

Below is a list of the major Ohio theft crimes a person can commit, along with a little information about each:

Petty Theft: A person is guilty of petty theft if the value of the property stolen amounts to less than $500. A petty theft is a misdemeanor of the 1st degree. Shoplifting is usually a petty theft offense.

Theft: A person can be charged with theft if the value of the property stolen is more than $500, but less than $5,000. People are usually charged with theft in cases of credit card theft, license plate theft, check theft, etc.  Theft is a felony of the 5th degree.

Grand Theft: A person is guilty of grand theft if the value of the property stolen is more than $5,000 and less than $100,000. Grand theft is usually a felony of the 4th degree. If the property stolen was a firearm or dangerous ordinance of any kind, it’s also considered a grand theft, but it is charged as a felony of the 3rd degree.

Aggravated Theft: A person is guilty of aggravated theft if the value of the property stolen was more than $100,000. It may be a felony of the 3rd, 2nd or 1st degree, depending on the value of the property stolen.

Receiving Stolen Property: A person is guilty of receiving stolen property if they receive, keep, or pass on property they knew was stolen. This offense may be a misdemeanor of the 1st degree, or a felony of the 5th, 4th or 3rd degree, depending on the value of the property in question.

Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle: The property stolen in this case is a vehicle like a car, aircraft, motorcycle, boat, and the like. It may be charged as a misdemeanor of the 1st degree, or a felony of the 5th, 4th, 3rd or 2nd degree, depending on the age of the victim and the value of the property (among other factors). 1 2

Attorney Adam Burke Llc — Columbus, Ohio Theft Attorney

If you have been charged with theft in Columbus and any of the surrounding areas in Ohio, it is recommended that you seek legal counsel to understand the exact situation you are in. Contact Attorney Adam Burke now for your free consultation at (614) 280-9122.

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Attorney Adam Burke Llc


625 City Park Ave, Suite 200A
Columbus, Ohio 43206


+1 614 280 9122



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