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Securities Fraud Charges


Columbus Securities Fraud Attorney

The laws that deal with security fraud are very complex and daunting. There are severe penalties and fines associated with a conviction of securities fraud. An experienced attorney will help you understand the charges against you and develop a defense strategy. Contact Attorney Adam Burke at (614) 280-9122 for your free consultation.

Securities Fraud Charges

Securities fraud is related to the stock and commodities market. Investors are persuaded to purchase or sell their stock or commodities on the basis of false information, which results in their losing significant sums of money. Securities fraud is also termed as investment fraud or stock fraud 1

Securities Fraud

Securities fraud is considered a white-collar crime. If you are facing securities fraud charges, or are under an investigation by any of the qualified forensic accounting los angeles firms, or elsewhere, you may be facing the possibility of a federal prison sentence and large fines.

If you are accused of securities fraud, you were suspected to have:

  • Misrepresented critical information while trading securities
  • Sold, cause to be sold, offered to sell securities that were prohibited by law
  • Traded in securities without a license
  • Engaged in illegal or fraudulent activities

The law covers several other scenarios, in addition to those given above. It is recommended that you consult with a lawyer to understand your individual case.

According to the U.S. Securities Act (section 17(a)), a person may be considered guilty of securities fraud if he or she:

  1. Uses interstate commerce with deceit or with purpose to defraud. This includes the use of any device to deceive, the use of misrepresentation of critical information to acquire benefits, or to engage in transactions that are considered fraudulent.
  2. Uses interstate commerce to distribute (fraudulent) sale offers.

Penalties for Securities Fraud

If you are convicted of securities fraud, your penalty will be assigned on the basis of the value of the transaction that took place. The SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) has been given the task of cracking down on violators by the government.

Depending on the crime, the SEC can penalize offenders with fines of up to $150,000, and institutions get penalized with up to $750,000 in fines. There are efforts being made to introduce legislation that will significantly increase the fine amount. For conviction of securities fraud charges, there is a prison term imposed as well.

Attorney Adam Burke Llc - Columbus, Ohio Securities Fraud Lawyer

If you have been arrested for securities fraud in Columbus or any of the surrounding areas in Ohio contact Attorney Adam Burke. It is in your best interest to hire an experienced defense attorney who will fight for your rights and freedom. Contact Attorney Adam Burke Llc now for your free consultation at (614) 280-9122.

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Attorney Adam Burke Llc


625 City Park Ave, Suite 200A
Columbus, Ohio 43206


+1 614 280 9122



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