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Records Show Northwood Blocked Demolition, Misled Public



Bob Anderson, Northwood City Administrator, recently made statements to the media that Woodville Mall owners had missed a court ordered deadline and did not respond to the city’s concerns with the demolition of condemned portions of the mall. (Exhibit A). 1

Plan Deadline

Now records released by an attorney for mall owners cast doubt on the city’s claims and candor with the public.

Adam Burke, attorney for Woodville Mall owners, said that the owners submitted a plan for the city’s approval several days ahead of the scheduled deadline, when the city announced new requirements, not included in the court order. (Exhibit I).  2

Demolition Addressed

In comments to the media, city administrator, Anderson stated the owners’ original plan did not address the demolition. (Exhibit A). 3

However, Burke released a copy of the owners original plan showing the demolition details required by the court order. (Exhibits I & J). 4 5  Burke also released the mall owners’ amended plan addressing the city’s concerns. (Exhibits K & L) 6 7

Mall Owners Respond to City

The city also claimed owners did not respond to its new concerns.  (Exhibit A). 8  However, Burke released documents he says show that the city ignored owners’ repeated communications aimed at addressing its concerns and speeding the demolition.

Burke released several emails he says City Administrator Bob Anderson, and City Attorney Brian Ballenger ignored. (Exhibits B – E). 9 10 11 12 Burke also released phone records he says show numerous calls placed to Anderson and Ballenger. (Exhibits F – H). 13 14 15

$1.7 Million Bond

“The city is now demanding the owners post a $1.7 million bond also not included in the court order.”  Burke said. “Several surety companies and contractors have told us the bond requirement is wrong and unattainable. The bond has no legal basis and is outrageously high.”

Owners Cut Out

Anderson stated that the city intends to solicit bids and prevent the owners from completing the demolition. (Exhibit A). 16  “This is a land grab for the city” Burke said. “The owners cannot complete the demolition on the property without a city permit. And the city has blocked us at every turn.”

The court order includes a lien on the land intended to ensure that the owners complete the demolition timely. (Exhibit J). 17  “Ironically, the lien and a money judgment gives the city an incentive to block the demolition. This is why the mall continues to lie in waste” Burke said. (Exhibit J). 18

Burke says he’s not certain why the city wants the land, but suspects that Northwood District’s recent, failed school levy made the land potentially valuable had the levy passed.

Hurting Northwood

“The vacant portions of the mall have become a magnet for scrap thieves. It is a blight on the, still open, Sears store during the busiest shopping season of the year. This hurts the people of Northwood. It does not have to be this way” said Burke.

Court Action

Woodville mall owners have filed a motion asking the Wood County court to enforce the court order and to force the city to allow the demolition to go forward. (Exhibit M). 19

However, Burke says court action would be unnecessary if the city would just allow the demolition to move forward. “We are ready, willing and able to do the demolition now, if the city would just get out of the way.” Burke said.

Tear down that Mall

“We really don’t care why the city is blocking the demolition. We want the city to follow the court order and let us do our job” Burke said.

In a final comment Mr. Burke addressed the city administrator directly, “Mr. Anderson, tear down that mall” Burke said.

Burke is encouraging the public to call and urge the city administrator to permit the demolition at 419-693-9320.

Ex A – Anderson Article

Ex B – 1st Email to City Administrator Bob Anderson

Ex C – 2nd Email to Bob Anderson

Ex D – 1st Email to City Attorney Ballenger

Ex E – 2nd Email to City Attorney Ballenger

Ex F – City Contact Numbers

Ex G – Burke Cell Stmt 09.12.13 to 10.11.13 (Redacted)

Ex H – Burke Cell Stmt 10.12.13 to 11.11.13 (Redacted)

Ex I – Original Abatement Plan

Ex J – Court Order

Ex K – Revised Abatement Plan

Ex L – Revised Abatement Plan Diagram

Ex M – Motion to Enforce





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