The Traffic Defense Plan by the Traffic Defense Attorneys of Attorney Adam Burke Llc. Questions? Call 614-280-9122.
For $9.99 monthly or less per driver. Access to an on call traffic attorney 24/7 to defend and fight your traffic citation.
How our Traffic Defense Plan works:
- Sign up for Traffic Defense Plan Retainer for $9.99 monthly.
- For unlimited Franklin County, Ohio minor misdemeanor traffic defense.
- Count on Attorney Adam Burke Llc to defend your traffic case.
- Already have a ticket? Great! This plan works for you.
- Once you're enrolled, make sure you alert us to your traffic case and we'll take care of the rest.
What if I already have a ticket?
- Sign up today for $9.99 monthly plan and get started with one of our attorneys right away.
- There is a 24-month commitment if you have already been cited with a traffic ticket.

Speeding and other traffic tickets can cost you:
- Higher insurance premiums.
- Your employment and earnings if you drive for a living.
- Your valuable time.
- Your drivers license or commercial drivers license (CDL) - Disqualification from driving.
- BMV records keep track of points for two years.
- Insurance companies raise rates based on BMV record.

Did you know that you have more options than simply paying your traffic citation?
- Some courts offer traffic diversion that can lead to the dismissal of the case.
- You have the presumption of innocence like any other defense.
- Having an attorney represent you can lead to a better outcome.
- Your attorney can defend you without you necessarily having to appear in court.
3 Plan Choices
- 1 Driver $9.99 per month.
- 2 Drivers $15.99 per month.
- 4 Drivers $27.99 per month.

Unlimited Use:
- Unlimited minor misdemeanor traffic defense in Franklin County, Ohio
- 1 Driver covered for $9.99 monthly; 2 Drivers covered for $15.99 monthly; and 4 Drivers $27.99 monthly.
- $500+ value.
33% credit towards other violations:
- Service Credit good for all non-minor misdemeanor traffic or criminal violations in Franklin County, Ohio
- Service Credit good for all traffic violations in surrounding counties.