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Upper Arlington Mayor’s Court


Upper Arlington Mayor's Court Lawyer 

The Upper Arlington Mayor's Court serves as the judicial branch of the City of Upper Arlington. The Mayor's staff (Clerk of Court and Deputy Clerk of Court) also functions as the Violations Bureau, collecting payments for violations that do not require a court appearance.

If you have been charged with a criminal offense in Upper Arlington, you have a legal right to representation. Public defenders are not assigned in Mayor's Court, so it is in your best interest to hire an attorney who will fight for your rights. Attorney Adam Burke is familiar with Mayor's Court procedures and will help you through this confusing process. Call Attorney Adam Burke now for your free consultation at (614) 280-9122. 

Upper Arlington Mayor's Court Location and Personnel

Mayor's Court convenes every Thursday at 12:00 p. m., and trials and motion hearings are scheduled for 1:00 p.m., once the arraignment docket is finished.

Upper Arlington Mayor's Court is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday at the following address: 

3600 Tremont Rd
Upper Arlington, OH 43221
(614) 583-5060

Upper Arlington Mayor's Court consists of the following court staff:

  • Mayor: Deborah Johnson
  • Magistrates: Steven B. Hayes, S. Michael Miller, Janet Grubb, and Michael Close 
  • Clerk of Court: Melissa Kohler 
  • City Attorney: Jeanine Hummer

The Magistrate presides over sentencing of:

  • Arraignments
  • Trials
  • Pre-Trials
  • Motion Hearings
  • Probation Revocation Hearings

Upper Arlington Mayor's Court Fees and Costs 

Payment information, fines, and costs are payable immediately after your hearing. A court volunteer will escort you to the Clerk of Courts office for payment.

If you are unable to pay in full you may be required to make a payment that day and you must work out payment arrangements, for the balance due, with the judge before you leave the courtroom.

Minor Misdemeanor (MM) — No time in jail and a fine of $150.00
4th Degree Misdemeanor (M4) — up to 30 days in jail and a fine of $250.00
3rd Degree Misdemeanor (M3) — up to 60 days in jail and a fine of $500.00
2nd Degree Misdemeanor (M2) — up to 90 days in jail and a fine of $750.00
1st Degree Misdemeanor (M1) — up to 6 months in jails and a fine of $1,000.00

Failure to appear in court, or failure to comply with a court order, may result in your license being suspended through the Bureau of Motor Vehicles.

Mayor's Court Lawyer in Upper Arlington 

If you have been charged with a criminal offense in Upper Arlington, Ohio, it is in your best interest to hire an attorney who is experienced in handling cases in Mayor's Court and understands the court process. Call Attorney Adam Burke Llc today at (614) 280-9122 for your free consultation. 

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Over 30 Years Combined Experience

Our Firm has Successfully Handled 3000's of Cases

Proven Track Record of Excellent Results

Attorney Adam Burke Llc


625 City Park Ave, Suite 200A
Columbus, Ohio 43206


+1 614 280 9122



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