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Westerville Mayor’s Court


Westerville Mayor's Court

The purpose of the Westerville Mayor’s Court is to provide the community with a local judicial forum to rule on misdemeanor cases that are alleged to be in violation of the Westerville Codified Ordinances. Because public defenders are not provided in Mayor's Court, it is important to hire an attorney to represent you and fight for your rights. The process can be confusing and our attorneys will help you throughout this process. Call Attorney Adam Burke today at (614) 280-9122 for your free consultation. 

Westerville Mayor's Court Location and Personnel 

Mayor’s Court is scheduled every Wednesday. Cases are heard as follows:

  • 9:00 a.m.: Pretrials and Traffic and Criminal arraignments
  • 10:00 a.m.: Trials

The City of Westerville Mayor's Court is open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday and is located at the following address:

21 S. State Street
Westerville, Ohio 43081-2119
(614) 901-6419

Westerville Mayor's Court consists of the following court personnel:

  • Magistrate: James Fais
  • Clerk of Court: Marisa L. Akamine
  • Prosecutor: Michael Fultz 
  • Mayor: Kathy Cocuzzi
  • Vice Mayor: John Bokros

Westerville Mayor's Court Costs

The court costs in Westerville Mayor's Court for traffic cases is $80.00 and criminal cases is $70.00. This sum is distributed as follows unless it is waived by the presiding mayor or magistrate: 

  • $31.00 — General fund of the City of Westerville
  • $10.00 — Court's computerization fund, pursuant to ORC 1902.261B
  • $20.00 — Treasurer of the State of Ohio for deposit in the IDSF (Indigent Defense Support Fund) as required by HB1
  • $9.00 — Treasurer of the State of Ohio for deposit in the state reparations account pursuant to ORC 2743.70
  • $1.50 — Treasurer of the State of Ohio for deposit in the state reparations account for indigent alcohol driver's treatment fund pursuant to HB 562.
  • $5.00 —  Treasurer of the State of Ohio for deposit in the state reparations account for indigent defense support fund pursuant to HB 562.
  • $3.50 — Treasurer of the State of Ohio for deposit in the OCJS (Ohio Criminal Justice Services) indigent alcohol treatment fund pursuant to HB 562 and HB2, except for criminal cases.

In addition to the basic court costs above, the following additional costs will be assessed unless it is waived by the mayor or magistrate:

  • $10.00 — Notices (subpoenas, certified mail)
  • $10.00 — Continuances
  • $15.00 — Summons
  • $25.00 — Each Time to pay agreement
  • $25.00 — Late Fee
  • $60.00 — Warrants
  • $25.00 — License Forfeiture fee
  • $25.00 — Warrant Block fee
  • $25.00 — Dishonored checks
  • $30.00 — Collection ($25.00 to collection agency/$5.00 City General Fund)
  • $30.00 — Processing fee (transfers, appeals, seat belts)
  • $45.00 — Interpreting fee
  • $25.00 — Out-of-state license suspension
  • $20.00 — Expungement (city)
  • $30.00 — Expungement (state)
  • $50.00 — Processing application fee for expungements on dismissals and Not Guilty cases
  • $20.00 — Plea Offer Record Check
  • $150.00 — Plea Offer-Criminal
  • $75.00 — Plea Offer-Traffic
  • $200.00 — Probation-Reporting
  • $125.00 — Probation-Non-reporting
  • $50.00 — PNC providing no convictions
  • $25.00 — Bail Surcharge (state)
  • $6.00 — Witness fee for half day of service plus mileage, pursuant to ORC 2335.06(A)
  • $12.00 — Witness fee for full day of service plus mileage, pursuant to ORC 2335.06(A)
  • $25.00 — Post conviction filing fee
  • $50.00 — Trial Re-Schduling Fee

Westerville Mayor's Court Penalties

First degree (M1) — up to 6 months in jail and a $1,000.00 fine.
Second degree (M2) — up to 90 days in jail and a $750.00 fine.
Third degree (M3) — up to 60 days in jail and a  $500.00 fine.
Fourth degree (M4) — up to 30 days in jail and a $250.00 fine.
Minor (MM) — No jail term and a $150.00 fine.

Westerville Mayor's Court Plea Descriptions

In court, you will be required to enter one of the following pleas: 

Not Guilty — The plea of Not Guilty indicates that you are contesting the facts as alleged in the complaint or ticket. If you plead Not Guilty on or before the court date assigned to you by the officer, your case will not be heard that day, but will be rescheduled for trial. Trials in the Westerville Mayor’s Court are scheduled each Wednesday and begin at 10:00 a.m. The presiding magistrate hears all trials. Mayor’s courts cannot conduct jury trials. At your trial, the officer who issued the citation or complaint will be subpoenaed into court to testify. You may also bring witnesses to testify on your behalf.

Guilty — The plea of Guilty is a complete admission of guilt.

No Contest — The plea of No Contest is not an admission of guilt, but is an admission of the truth of the facts alleged in the complaint or ticket and such admission cannot be used against you in any subsequent civil or criminal proceedings.

Westerville Mayor's Court Payable Violations

The Mayor's Court also provides a Violation Bureau for the purpose of collecting payments for violations, which do not require a court appearance. Most minor misdemeanor and fourth degree misdemeanor traffic charges have the option of paying a fine rather than appearing in court. Below is the fine schedule for some common payable violations:

Violation MM M4
Assured Clear Distance Ahead (ACDA) $110.00 $170.00
Child Restraint $125.00 $170.00
Equipment (lights, mufflers, bumpers) $105.00 $105.00
Expired Driver’s License (less than 6 months) with Proof of Valid License $105.00 $105.00
Expired Plates (illegal or improper) $105.00 $105.00
Red Light $110.00 $170.00
Seat Belt (Driver) $80.00
Seat Belt (Passenger) $70.00
Speed (1-19 mph over limit) $125.00 $170.00
Speed (20 mph over limit) $170.00 $200.00
Stop Sign $110.00 $170.00
Traffic Control Device (Red Light) $110.00 $170.00
Window Tint $105.00 $105.00
Yield $110.00 $170.00
Animals Barking/Running at Large (First Offense) $100.00
Disorderly Conduct/Persistent $145.00 $170.00

Mayor's Court Attorney in Westerville

If you have been charged with a criminal offense in Westerville, Ohio, it is important to know that you have the right to legal representation. Attorney Adam Burke will make every effort to get you the best possible outcome for your case. Call Attorney Adam Burke Llc today for your free consultation at (614) 280-9122.

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Attorney Adam Burke Llc


625 City Park Ave, Suite 200A
Columbus, Ohio 43206


+1 614 280 9122



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