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Definition of Warrants


 Warrants in Ohio

To begin, we will broadly cover the definition of warrants. 

Included are written commands issued by a recognized judicial authority to an officer of the law to perform actions to uphold justice.

In most cases, warrants are issued to arrest a person suspected of carrying out criminal activities, or to search a person’s premises for illegal goods. 1

Continue reading for more information regarding the different types of warrants in Ohio.

Columbus Arrest Warrant Lawyer

You can check with the local court if you think a warrant has been issued in your name. It’s best to get the matter settled as soon as possible, because if the crime committed is minor, you are likely to escape with just a small fine. 2

Even in more serious cases, a judge will often lift an outstanding warrant if your case is handled properly.  This process usually involves a hearing with the Judge, Prosecutor and any alleged victims.

Discuss your can with an experience Columbus Arrest Warrant Lawyer.  Call now for a Free Consultation: 614-280-9122.

What are the kinds of warrants in Ohio?

Most warrants in Ohio issued are either peace warrants, search warrants or arrest warrants.

  1. Peace warrants: Peace warrants are warrants that are issued as a preventive measure, that is, to prevent violence against a person or destruction of a person’s property. If you have received a peace warrant, someone believes you are a threat to them or to their property. 3
  1. Search warrants: Search warrants are issued if an individual has thought to have hidden some specified goods on his person or at a location. For example, a person hiding drugs or stolen goods at his home may receive a search warrant. Search warrants are issued only if there is probable cause to search a person or a location, based on the information supplied in an affidavit. 4
  1. Arrest warrant: Arrest warrants are issued if a person is suspected of having committed a crime. The complainant has to identify the person who has committed the crime if possible and state the crime committed.

Other kinds of issued warrants include bench warrants, surveillance warrants and warrants for financial transactions and tax retrieval. 5

How is a warrant in Ohio issued?

First, a police report or sworn statement (an affidavit) must be filed against an individual, their residence or other property. Next, the testimony of the witness is recorded, which, along with the report, gets forwarded to a judge. The judge decides whether or not a warrant should be issued against the person or property.

More Information

If you have been arrested in Columbus, Ohio or any of the surrounding Ohio areas and you need more information on warrants in Ohio, contact Columbus criminal attorney Adam Burke of Attorney Adam Burke Llc for a free consultation.

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Attorney Adam Burke Llc


625 City Park Ave, Suite 200A
Columbus, Ohio 43206


+1 614 280 9122



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