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Cyber Crime Defense in Ohio


Columbus Cyber Crime Defense Lawyer

If you are convicted of a cyber crime, you could face imprisonment and substantial fines. It is important to hire an attorney to explain the charges against you and come up with a defense strategy. Contact Attorney Adam Burke now for your free consultation at (614) 280-9122.

Cyber Crime Defense in Ohio

With the growth of the internet and social media, we are witnessing a proportional spurt in cyber crimes. The term cyber crime is broad in its application and may be used to describe a variety of crimes like internet fraud, cyber theft, cyber stalking, and cyber terrorism.

Cyber Crime in Ohio

The state of Ohio has passed several laws against cyber crime over the years. If you have been accused of a cyber crime, you may have to go prison if convicted and pay large fines. A competent cyber crime defense attorney is your best chance at receiving a lighter sentence. 1

Amongst the most common cyber crime committed in the state is unauthorized use of computer property (can also be cable or telecommunication property). The law states that a person cannot gain access to a computer system or network beyond the scope of the express or implied consent of the owner, through hacking or other means. The law also forbids the dissemination of information gained through such means. The silver lining is that with these kinds of attacks, you might be able to track down the culprit by using an endpoint detection response mobile system that conducts post-attack analysis. EDR's strength lies in its investigation capabilities and the cross-platform visibility it provides.

Offenders are either charged with a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the gravity of the crime committed and several other factors. 2 Those on the receiving end of a hacking incident may up their security online by looking into the best vpn for chrome and others similar to it, just in case it happens again. Prevention is incredibly important, however, experienced hackers may be able to break through depending on the level of security they are up against.

Another common cybercrime is cyber theft or cyber fraud. A person who deprives another of their property through deception is guilty of fraud by law. Cyber theft or cyber fraud is a serious offense and you will generally be charged with a felony if you are suspected of committing it. 3

Menacing by stalking, or in this case cyber stalking, is a crime committed when a person causes serious mental distress to another or causes the person to believe they are in danger of serious harm, through the use of a computer. This crime is considered either a 1st degree misdemeanor or a felony. 4

Cyber Crime Defense and Penalties

Some of the common defenses employed against cyber crime charges include the no credible threat defense, as well as the mistaken identity and constitutionally protected speech defenses. Consult your lawyer to find out which of these applies best to your case. Penalties for cyber crime include jail terms, probation, restitution, fines, and community service. 5

Attorney Adam Burke Llc - Columbus, OH Cyber Crime Defense Attorney

Cyber crime laws are daunting and complex, so having a competent attorney to help you understand your options is important. Attorney Adam Burke is an experienced criminal defense attorney who will make every effort to avoid the most severe penalties. Call Attorney Adam Burke Llc today at (614) 280-9122 for your free consultation.

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Attorney Adam Burke Llc


625 City Park Ave, Suite 200A
Columbus, Ohio 43206


+1 614 280 9122



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