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Ohio Drug Charges

Ohio drug charges prosecutions, both for trafficking and possession have increased considerably in recent years. The State of Ohio has implemented stern drug trafficking laws to prevent the illegal creation, possession, consumption, and trafficking of drugs.

A person who is suspected or convicted of such serious drug offenses faces severe sanctions courtesy of Ohio lawmakers. The severity of penalties from drug charges depends on the degree of the offense. The potential penalties may include both hefty fines as well as prison sentences.

Ohio drug trafficking laws make it a crime for a person to illegally manufacture or deliver drugs without a proper license. The punishment for committing such drug offenses has been defined by the Ohio Legislature in terms of degrees. These range from the first to the fifth degree. First degree offenses are classified as the most serious with severe punishments. While fifth-degree charges are the least serious felony offense in terms of punishment. Overall, a suspected person will be charged according to the degree of the felony, which is generally based on the quantity of the drugs allegedly involved. In case of drug offenses including drug trafficking, the penalty is up to $20,000 and 3 to 10 years imprisonment. In addition, a conviction for Ohio drug charges may lead to the cancellation of a person’s driver’s or professional license either completely or for a specific period.

Under such circumstances, defending Ohio drug charges requires an experienced attorney with a focus on drug-related cases to handle the planning of a defense, to fight on your behalf. Getting legal help for drug charges can ease the sting of severe drug possession charges and lessen potential penalties.

Note: although the benefits of legal help for drug charges from a private attorney will give your case the attention it deserves, those who are unable to afford an attorney may have an attorney appointed for them.

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Attorney Adam Burke Llc


625 City Park Ave, Suite 200A
Columbus, Ohio 43206


+1 614 280 9122



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