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Federal Penalties for Marijuana Use Could Rise Again

Federal Penalties For Marijuana Use Could Rise Again

Nearly a quarter of the American population live in states where marijuana is legalized in some way. In 2018, eight states will have decriminalized the recreational use of marijuana. Given the fact that 59 percent of Americans are for the legalization of marijuana, it is likely that other states will follow suit. Marijuana use on … Read more

Ohio Shoplifting Crimes On the Rise in 2017

Shoplifting and other crimes of theft are on the rise in Ohio. Delaware County law enforcement officials recently released a statement on Facebook explaining that the number of thefts in 2017 had risen by 40 percent when compared to the number of thefts in 2016. Shoplifting offenses at the popular Tanger Outlets are reportedly the … Read more

Is it Rape if Both Of Us Were Drunk?

You wake up one morning in a strange bed in a strange home next to someone you kind of recognize. She wakes up and begins to panic. You had sex the night before. You vaguely remember but were so drunk that you’re having a hard time putting all of the pieces together. She immediately accuses … Read more

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Attorney Adam Burke Llc


625 City Park Ave, Suite 200A
Columbus, Ohio 43206


+1 614 280 9122



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