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Consequences of Operating a Vehicle Under the Influence

Earlier this week a Franklin County woman was arrested for Operating a Vehicle Impaired (“OVI”) and child endangerment after she reportedly threw her four-year-old daughter out of moving vehicle’s window. According to bystanders, the woman “driving erratically” and obviously “impaired” as she yelled at the child, dangled her from the moving vehicle, and proceeded to … Read more

Motion to Withdraw Guilty Plea in Ohio

Motion to Withdraw Guilty Plea in Ohio On this page, are several motions to withdraw guilty pleas for different types of Ohio cases. DISCLAIMER:These motions are examples only and should not be construed as legal advise, nor have the cases cited been recently vetted for validity. Ohio Motion to Withdraw Guilty Plea After Intervention in … Read more

Ore. Occupiers Grand Jury Legit or Bat Sh…

Calls for a common law grand jury. Armed protesters occupying a federal wildlife refuge in Burns, Oregon have recently called for a so called common law grand jury to investigate alleged violations of the United States Constitution by local officials in Oregon’s Haney County. Protesters allege that county officials, including a local judge, have failed … Read more

Sacramental Peyote – Legal Issues

As a Columbus, Ohio criminal lawyer, clients routinely ask me some unusual questions. Recently, a client contacted me with an interesting one. He wanted to use sacramental peyote but wondered if he legally could. Sacramental peyote is an ancient tradition of some American Indian tribes that involves ingesting peyote which the United States Government and most states … Read more

Ohio Driving Under Suspension

A person may face Ohio Driving Under Suspension Charges for various reasons like not having insurance, have an outstanding warrant, not paying child support, refusing to take breath test, among other things. Ohio Driving Under Suspension versus Expired or Revoked License The difference between the two terms “suspended” and “expired” or “revoked” license is not … Read more

Ohio Drug Charges

Ohio drug charges prosecutions, both for trafficking and possession have increased considerably in recent years. The State of Ohio has implemented stern drug trafficking laws to prevent the illegal creation, possession, consumption, and trafficking of drugs. A person who is suspected or convicted of such serious drug offenses faces severe sanctions courtesy of Ohio lawmakers. … Read more

Ohio Criminal Record Expungements

Clearing Your Criminal Record, Ohio Criminal Record Expungements Working with a Columbus criminal attorney, it may be possible for you to clear your record. In Ohio, what is commonly referred to as an expungment is an order from the Court sealing the public record of a case and ordering law enforcement agencies to remove the … Read more

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Attorney Adam Burke Llc


625 City Park Ave, Suite 200A
Columbus, Ohio 43206


+1 614 280 9122



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